
新版Rainmeter一裝即支援Foobar2000,另附一個支援多個media player skin By M.Shadows(258064)


先,去rainmeter官網download  2.1beta版
Link : Here

新版rainmeter其中一個update :
Added the NowPlaying media player plugin by developer and overall Rainmeter superstar poiru.
This is a new plugin to support multiple media players, with full support for AIMP,Foobar2000, MediaMonkey, MusicBee, iTunes, VLC, WinAmp, and WMP. Partial support is also provided a bunch of other players such as Spotify. See the documentation at NowPlaying Plugin for details and usage instructions
裝完之後自己決定reboot or not....

住,download一個叫 leij ge skin
Link : Here                入面有圖,唔好搵伯母:o)
解壓之後double click  Leij.rmskin ,裝完重開rainmeter
開Leij個skin出黎,唔識ge話請參考 桌面美化軟件 - Rainmeter By M.Shadows (258064)
開左個skin出黎之後應該會叫你打番你用咩media player聽歌,跟番佢下面比你ge key打番,

之後你開個media player聽歌佢就會自動display album art同details.
今次又教完,希望巴打們中意個skin la#bye#